Providing GDPR Data Compliance Support & Software since 1998 to over 1000 commercial premises throughout the UK to the benefit of Landlords and Managing Agents.
Our practical guidance, management systems and procedures relating to the use of surveillance and security technology will enable you to achieve GDPR compliance and help mitigate the risk of infringement.
The adoption of digital management information technology by the guarding industry has been piecemeal resulting in a mass of paper based records, spreadsheets and stand alone web based apps.
This inefficient disjointed approach results in significant archive management and retrieval costs together with frustration caused by the delay in gaining access to information.
EIDOS is a fully integrated cloud based management information system and an important aid to achieving your paper free environmental policy.
Key & Asset Management
The EIDOS Cloud Based Asset & Key Management Software is the paperless solution to tracking and managing assets, saving time and money.
The fully GDPR compliant cloud based replacement to the traditional paper-based visitor book.
The EIDOS Visitor software replaces the traditional visitor book with a streamlined process for booking in visitors & contractors to site. Visitor details are securely stored and provide real time information and reports.
Replace the outmoded and ineffective paper based Daily Occurrence Book with the EIDOS Cloud Based Activity Log. Instant access to what’s currently happening on site with the ability to easily search archived information. Invaluable if you are responsible for managing multiple site.
Police, Insurers and Law firms are increasingly requiring that CCTV footage and other data is transferred to them electronically rather than issuing physical media.
Our Secure File Sharing software ensures you maintain a robust audit trail by remotely obtaining recipients signatures before releasing data.
The EIDOS Proof of Presence app is an effective and efficient solution for generating attendance records for members of staff such as cleaners & security contractors.